We now offer a rapid turnaround Clipper Blade Sharpening service.

We use our Ultrasonic bath to prepare and ready you Clipper Blades. All blades that are sent for sharpening are degreased in heated oxidation remover and de-ionised water. Clipper Blade Sharpening can magnetise the blades which often leads to excessive wear and the retention of metal as the blades rub down during use. At Galloping Geldings we demagnetised the blades after sharpening and then oil, test them before wrapped and returning in Multi Guard anti corrosion paper.

We offer this premium service for only £7.50 per set, plus return postage and packing. You will be responsible for sending the blades to us, we recommend a tracked service for this.

The Clipper Blade Sharpening Service includes;

Clipper Blades are Ultrasonically cleaned in distilled water and anti-oxidant solution.

Professionally sharpened (if un-damaged and within acceptable tolerances)


Reassembled for use.

Lubricated with high quality blade oil.

Tensioned to manufacturers reccommendations.

Tested where practical.

Wrapped in a protective Multi-Guard anti-corrosion moisture inhibitor and made ready for return.